Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Modern Medieval at Kalamazoo 2014

And so it comes around again, Spring, when medievalists long to go ... to Kalamazoo. The blog has been a bit quiet of late, but as you can see from the run-down below, we've all been very busy! We're organizing, presiding, and presenting like crazy over here!

Matthew Gabriele

The Exegetical Turn: Exegesis as a Paradigm for New Understandings of the Middle Ages
Thursday 3:30 p.m. Schneider 1320
Sponsor: Medieval and Early Modern Studies at Virginia Tech

Organizer: Matthew Gabriele, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.
Presider: David M. Perry, Dominican Univ.
Kissing Christ: Judas’s Mouth as Biblical Exegesis
Rabia Gregory, Univ. of Missouri–Columbia
The Exegetical Diplomas of King Philip I of Francia (1060–1108)
Matthew Gabriele
Read! Think! Engage! How Luther’s Exegesis of Genesis Exhorted People out of the Cloister and into Family and Society
Jennifer Hockenbery, Mount Mary Univ.

Writing the Middle Ages for Multiple Audiences (A Panel Discussion)
Friday 3:30 p.m. Fetzer 1045
Sponsor: CARA (Committee on Centers and Regional Associations, Medieval Academy of America)
Organizer: Michael A. Ryan, Univ. of New Mexico
Presider: James M. Murray, Western Michigan Univ.
A panel discussion with David M. Perry, Dominican Univ.; Ellen F. Arnold, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; Matthew Gabriele, Virginia Tech; and Laura Saetveit Miles, Univ. i Bergen.

 Rick Godden
Disability Studies and the Digital Humanities (A Roundtable)
Friday 3:30 p.m. Schneider 1155
Sponsor: Society for the Study of Disability in the Middle Ages
Organizer: Joshua R. Eyler, Rice Univ.

Presider: Tory Vandeventer Pearman, Miami Univ. Hamilton
A roundtable discussion with John P. Sexton, Bridgewater State Univ.; Cameron Hunt McNabb, Southeastern Univ.; Jonathan Hsy, George Washington Univ.; and Richard H. Godden, Tulane Univ.

#;()@?”:—*! (A Roundtable)
Saturday 1:30 p.m. Fetzer 1005
Sponsor: BABEL Working Group

Organizer: Eileen A. Joy, BABEL Working Group
Presider: Richard H. Godden, Tulane Univ.
Seeing Spaces
Chris Piuma, Univ. of Toronto
The Divorce of Punctuation and Diacritics
Meg Worley, Colgate Univ.
, (A Breath)
Joshua R. Eyler, Rice Univ.
D’oh: A Brief History of Misusing the Apostrophe and Why Its So Annoying
David Hadbawnik, Univ. at Buffalo
: Interrobanging Chaucer
Corey Sparks, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington

Robert Rouse, Univ. of British Columbia
Jonathan Hsy, George Washington Univ.

Medieval Literary Ethics
Sunday 8:30 a.m. Schneider 1350
Organizer: Emily Houlik-Ritchey, Univ. of California–Santa Barbara
Presider: Emily Houlik-Ritchey
“Doctrine by ensample”: Literature’s Ethical Problem and Spenser’s Aesthetic Solution
Maria Devlin, Harvard Univ.
By Writing Amended: The Ethics of Interpretation in Hoccleve’s Series
A. Arwen Taylor, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington
The Virtues and the Will in Chaucer’s Parliament of Fowls
Sarah Powrie, St. Thomas More College
Prosthetic Neighbors: Enabling Community in The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle
Richard H. Godden, Tulane Univ.

Brandon Hawk
New Methods in Anglo-Saxon Homiletics
Thursday 10:00 a.m. Schneider 1325
Sponsor: Society for the Study of Anglo-Saxon Homiletics (SSASH)
Organizer: Brandon W. Hawk, Univ. of Connecticut

Presider: Stephen Harris, Univ. of Massachusetts–Amherst
“It maie be Alfricus for al my conninge”: Authorizing Ælfric in the Long Seventeenth Century
R. Scott Bevill, Univ. of Tennessee–Knoxville
Ut quidam perverse opinantur: Bede’s Criticism of Unnamed Sources
Damian Fleming, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ.–Fort Wayne
People of the Bread and the Book: Ecclesiology and the Eucharist in Ælfric’s Catholic Homilies
Rae Grabowski, Cornell Univ.

Universal Saints Located in Anglo-Saxon England
Thursday 7:30 p.m. Bernhard 204
Organizer: Kevin R. Kritsch, Univ. of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Presider: Bryan Carella, Assumption College
An Old Testament Saint? Judith in Anglo-Saxon England
Brandon W. Hawk, Univ. of Connecticut
How to Read a Saint: Agatha and Interpretation
Ann D’Orazio, Univ. of New Mexico
Univ. of New Mexico Graduate Student Prize Winner
Using Swedish Fragments to Shed Light on the Anglo-Saxon Marian Conception Feast
Sean Dunnahoe, Royal Holloway, Univ. of London
How Was Bartholomew Killed? Apocryphal Traditions of Saint Bartholomew in Anglo-Saxon England
            Kevin R. Kritsch

Medievalists and the Social Media Pilgrimage: The Digital Life of Twenty-First- Century Medieval Studies (A Roundtable)
Sunday 8:30 a.m. Schneider 1280
Sponsor: Massachusetts State Universities Medieval Blog
Organizer: Kisha G. Tracy, Fitchburg State Univ.

Presider: Kisha G. Tracy
A roundtable discussion with John P. Sexton, Bridgewater State Univ.; Peter Konieczny,; Brandon W. Hawk, Univ. of Connecticut; Andrew M. Pfrenger, Kent State Univ.–Salem; Joshua R. Eyler, Rice Univ.; and M. Wendy Hennequin, Tennessee State Univ.

Jennifer Jordan 
Irrationality as a Fruitful Methodology (A Roundtable)
Sunday 8:30 a.m. Schneider 1220
Sponsor: Heroic Age: A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe
Organizer: Deanna Forsman, North Hennepin Community College

Presider: William Schipper, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
A roundtable discussion with Deanna Forsman; Jennifer Jordan, Stony Brook Univ.; Richard Scott Nokes, Troy Univ.; Larry Swain, Bemidji State Univ.; and Silas Mallery, North Hennepin Community College.

Larry Swain
Of the Same Bone and Blood: Anglo-Saxon and Other Germanic Literature in Comparative Perspective
Saturday 3:30 p.m. Schneider 1155
Organizer: Larry Swain, Bemidji State Univ.
Presider: Larry Swain
It’s All in Your Mind: The Power of Intellect, Psychology, and Choice in the Vatican Genesis and Genesis B
Mary Breann Leake, Univ. of Connecticut
An Examination of Queens and King Slaying in Germanic Society
Sarah Barott, Bemidji State Univ.
A Moment Left Unwritten: Problematizing “Caedmon’s Hymn” and Moving Towards a Better Understanding of Early English Christianity through the Lens of Continental (and North) Germanic Literature
David Carlton, Univ. of Victoria

Community in Anglo-Saxon England: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Fetzer 2030
Organizer: Deanna Forsman, North Hennepin Community College
Presider: Deanna Forsman
Community Matters: Burial Practices and Religious Identity in Conversion-Era England
Mark Alan Singer, Luther College
Re-membering Community: Mortuary Ritual as Social Strategy in Early Anglo- Saxon England
Heather Flowers, Minnesota State Univ.–Mankato
Bede’s Multiple Textual Communities in Anglo-Saxon England
Larry Swain, Bemidji State Univ.

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