Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Medieval Pornstars find More Medieval Porn

The blogs seem positively abuzz with medieval porn. No, there are no pictures in this post.

Anyway, after Modern Medieval announced that it was (and continues to be) proud to be the #1 Google hit for "Medieval Pornstars," Got Medieval -- of "monkey-butt-trumpet" fame (among other things) -- apparently was getting a lot of hits for "medieval porn" and decided to satisfy those curious seekers (there are some pictures there). Now, A Corner of Tenth-Century Europe has discovered a recent excavation of an early Christian settlement in Ireland. One of the graves has a man buried with his sheep. And there's a suggestive but not-so-flattering picture.

I wonder if it there's a paper there somewhere for In the Middle's announcement of this conference? :-)


Anonymous said...

I must give credit where credit's due; I didn't do the excavation (obviously), the group that did run the blog I linked to with the picture and the post, and I would never have seen it had it not been mentioned on Alun Salt's excellent Archaeoastronomy blog, which he should really change the name of to reflect the breadth of his interests...

Matthew Gabriele said...

Not so fast. This is all on you... :-)

Bo said...

Thanks for adding me to the blogroll. All best wishes,